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Amazed and Amused

For leaders who are seeking to set an inspiring, entertaining, and engaging tone for their team, I recommend my program Amazed and Amused. 

In this program, I discuss how we find amusement by finding amazement in our days and how, even during tough situations, there are wonders to be found.  

When you learn how to live amazed and amused, your leadership ability and client relations excel. Motivate your team and inspire your stakeholders by sharing the exciting vision, products, and people that elevate your business above the rest. This passion is contagious, and it is a major key to your success! 

Depending on the length of your program or event, I can tailor my tips and strategies for the sane & successful to best suit your requirements. 

Interested? Learn more here! 

Amazed and Amused: Strategies for the Sane & Successful 

Success is not measured only in dollars and cents, but also in the moments that you live amazed and amused. Customers are not really “yours” until they have been amazed and/or amused by your products, your services, or your people. Leadership finds its inspiration not in duty, but in grasping the amazing power of one’s vision and will and in motivating the amusing diversity of many people’s personalities and skills. Bestselling author, business consultant, and observer of the human condition Karyn Buxman will take you on a life-changing journey of humor and hope. 

Let me know how I can help your organization continue to thrive! 

Connect with Me! 

YouTube: Karyn Buxman 
Twitter: @KarynBuxman 
Facebook: Karyn Buxman Speaks 
LinkedIn: Karyn Buxman 

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