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What is the Purpose of Humor?

Uncategorized May 02, 2019

What if there was a way to improve your health and well-being without having to watch what you eat or go to the gym? No, this isn’t some fad diet (those never work, just so you know). What I’m talking about is using humor as a way to not only make your personal life better but also to make you feel better. It’s no surprise (to me at least) that laughing makes you feel better-- so it’s essential that we use humor every day to make ourselves, and the people around us, feel better.

In order for you to know exactly where you stand with your humor, it’s important that you know your humor quotient which is something I talked about in my previous video. Your humor quotient is going to let you know how you’re able to appreciate humor and how you’re applying and effectively using humor to control a desired outcome.

But why does this all matter? Why should you want to use humor in your day-to-day? There are three main purposes of why you’d want to introduce humor into your life: entertainment, influence, and well-being. All of these things are something that I will be going into detail in with the next three videos in this series.

Karyn Buxman is a TEDx speaker, ForbesBooks author, and neurohumorist (she lives at the intersection of humor and the brain.) A pioneer in the emerging science of applied humor, Karyn helps high performers expand their influence, strengthen their relationships, and boost their resilience. From the Mayo Clinic to the Million Dollar Round Table, organizations around the world hire Karyn to educate, inspire, and entertain their audiences again and again. She’s one of 194 people (and only 43 women) in the world to be inducted into the National Speakers Association's Speaker Hall of Fame. Her latest book, Funny Means Money will be published by Forbes in 2019. Karyn is serious about humor!

Karyn Buxman is a TEDx speaker, ForbesBooks author, and neurohumorist (she lives at the intersection of humor and the brain.) A pioneer in the emerging science of applied humor, Karyn helps high performers expand their influence, strengthen their relationships, and boost their resilience. From the Mayo Clinic to the Million Dollar Round Table, organizations around the world hire Karyn to educate, inspire, and entertain their audiences again and again. She’s one of 194 people (and only 43 women) in the world to be inducted into the National Speakers Association's Speaker Hall of Fame. Her latest book, Funny Means Money will be published by Forbes in 2019. Karyn is serious about humor!

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