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Happy Nurses Week!

Happy Nurses Week!

If you've ever cleared out an entire Pizza Hut just by talking shop with your co-workers, this week is for you!

If you've ever complimented a stranger on their lovely veins (or merely ogled from afar!) this week is for you!

If you've ever proven your ability C-diff at a distance, using only your nose, this week is for you!

If you've ever defined 'medication error' as "I should have taken the Ativan myself!" this week is for you!

If you've ever had your scrubs seized by the CDC as the most terrifying thing they've ever seen, this week is for you!

Nurses are amazing people, and this is the week we celebrate our profession. Whether you're a nurse in the hospital setting, health clinic, school, nursing home or long term care setting, corrections facility, military, or beyond, the fact is that you're the front lines of health care in this country. You are the number one source of caring, compassionate patient care. The work you do makes a real difference in the lives of your patients every single day.

Go you! Being a nurse isn't for everyone. Did you know some people get upset when they get puked on? Or that they expect to have weekends and holidays off? Or that no one, ever, asks their advice about embarrassing chronic constipation problems? It's true - but you do it.

You're there with support and encouragement as babies come into this world, and you're there with compassion and grace when it's time to go. And in between, for all the scrapes and bumps and bruises and "Hey, y'all watch this now!" you're there to help put the pieces back together, letting patients know that they don't have to worry - all bleeding stops eventually!

You are amazing!  This week is to celebrate everything you do - and this book is to provide you with the applied humor tools, tips, and strategies that will make it much easier to keep doing it. A great gift for yourself or the nurses you work with. Nurses who laugh are happier, healthier people - and they're better nurses too!

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